The Rainbow Connection Camp is a gold ribbon accredited by the Children’s Oncology Camping Association (COCA). The camp benefits children and adolescents (ages 6 to 16) treated for cancer or blood disorders at The University of Texas Medical Branch Children’s Hospital in Galveston, Texas. The camp is a week-long experience and is open to the brothers and sisters of diagnosed children.

The Rainbow Connection Philosophy: Children with cancer or blood disorders are normal children with special medical needs. Since they are normal, they are entitled to enjoy the same experiences as their well peers (i.e. summer camp).
Goal of The Rainbow Connection: To provide children with cancer or blood disorders and their brothers and sisters a place to re-discover the self-esteem and confidence that is so often lost during the course of treatment for illness.
2023 Camp Dates: 2023 Rainbow Connection Summer Camp dates will be announced soon should conditions allow. Stay tuned for more information!
Camp Location: Camp for All in Burton, Texas. Camp for All is a facility built especially for individuals with special needs.
Activities: Fishing, swimming, canoeing, archery, horseback riding, arts and crafts, challenge course, sports, all-camp dance, campfires, music, biking, nature course, nightly activities, awards and many other activities.

Staff: Volunteer staff made up of employees and students from The University of Texas Medical Branch and the surrounding community. Staff members must be at least 21 years of age, applicants are interviewed by the director and must undergo a background check prior to selection. This volunteer staff is augmented by the activity counselors from Camp for All. The camper-to-counselor ratio is approximately 5:1.
Medical supervision: A physician and a nurse are available at camp 24 hours a day. Arrangements are made with a local pediatrician’s office for any needed blood work or for emergencies. Since the emphasis at camp is on wellness, the camp clinic takes a low profile. Whenever possible, chemotherapy is postponed until after camp, or is given at a time when it will not interfere with the camper’s favorite activities.
Camp cost: While the cost of a camper is approximately $600.00/camper, our families are required to pay a $10.00 registration fee and dependent on their financial need, the family may request a “campership” in the amount of $40.00 to pay the remaining fees. We feel that no one should be denied the camp experience due to financial constraints.
Source of Funding: The majority of funding comes from donations by grant funding, individual and civic groups, and businesses in the Galveston county community.
Camp Sponsors: The Rainbow Connection is sponsored by the Childhood Cancer Connection, a non-profit organization dedicated to the supporting children and families diagnosed with cancer and blood disorders. The camp is endorsed (but not funded) by the Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at University of Texas Medical Branch Children’s Hospital in Galveston.

Please contact Camp Director, Catalina Castro, at with questions.